Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ebay seems to be pushing out the little guy

So ebay has reduced the listing fee to FREE if you start at .99 or less, which is great news, however...they have also started to do a monthly review of your account based on customer response. This seems fine as well, but what isn't caught right away is that you get reviewed every month and if you fall below the baseline your items will not be found easily in searches. You can improve your stats of course, but it takes a whole month to get your items back into view of other users!

The way this hurts the little guy and doesn't effect the bigger sellers is that if I get only 1 neutral or even a 1 or 2 for satisfaction, I'm screwed for a whole month! The larger volume sellers can get multiple NEGATIVES without any harm because they have so many buyers that the bad scores average out to be very slim. Someone like a regular seller who maybe sales 10 or less items a month will be devastated by only one bad review!

I know it makes great sense to remove bad ebay sellers, however I have had many people buy my items only to tell me later that the shipping was too high...TOO HIGH! They knew the cost of everything before they bid on it! How can someone say the s+h was too much after buying the item and then leaving a bad comment? Ebay needs to fix this issue at once!


  1. Indeed they do, I wonder if the UK version are doing the same here. However, you seldom see anyone with anything other than the fullest satisfaction rating.

  2. I agree with you totally. The thing about it is that when you have a huge feedback number say anything over 5,ooo it will take many many nuetral and/or positive feedbacks to even make a dent in their score. So whenever I look to buy something fom someone I check the amount of negatives because someone may have a 99.7% even with 100+ negs! Crazy right!


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